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Australian Animal Wisdom
Native American Medicine
Egyptian Scarab Oracle
Healing With Angels

Weekly Angel Wisdom
Daily Affirmation
Your Goddess
Manifest Reality

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Australian Animal Wisdom

There are many paths to enlightenment, and the Wisdom of the Australian Animals is just one of them. For many seekers after knowledge and guidance this holds more fascination than many other paths. All animals have their own special wisdom, and their own special message to give to humanity. - Copyright Ann Williams-Fitzgerald

Following are the various readings that I offer for people using the Australian Animal Wisdom cards. Please read the descriptions and decide which (if any) you would like to experience! All readings are emailed to the customer as soon as they are completed. I aim to have readings done within a few days, but it will all depend on my work load. Readings will take a week at the most, otherwise I will contact you. If you would like a copy snail mailed to you, please include $3 to cover printing and shipping costs. If you would prefer to pay via money order, please contact me for details.

Ask A Question

For Guidance. This is the reading I use to give you guidance over a question you currently have. Question will be answered in the form of current situation, course of action and final outcome. This reading will be sent via email to you when completed. Add $3 to have it sent via snail mail.
Cost: $7 US (Email only)
Cost: $10 US (Snail Mail)
Please include your name, email address, and question in the comments box. If choosing the snail mail option, also include your snail mail address.

Pathway Spread

The reading gives you overall information about your pathway in life. Includes influences from your past, your future, the pattern or set of life lessons moving through your life now, the challenge you have conquered or the lesson completed, what is working for you, what is working against you. With this reading you will be able to see your present pathway, where you have been, where you are going and what is challenging you. Add $3 to have it sent via snail mail.

Cost: $15 US (Email only)
Cost: $18 US (Snail Mail)
Please include your name, email address, and question in the comments box. If choosing the snail mail option, also include your snail mail address.

Four Directional Spread - A Weekly Reading

For General Guidance. Not sure what is going on around you at the moment? This reading will give you insight into the influences guiding you currently. This weekly reading will be performed for you daily (Mon-Fri) starting on the first Monday after you place your order, and will be emailed to you each day, lasting 5 days. The Spread includes information on where you are at the moment, your recent past, your immediate future and the biggest influence around you right now.
Cost: $25 US
Please include your name in the comments box and your email address. Sorry, I cannot ship snail mail for this kind of reading.

Nine Personal Totems Reading

We all have nine power or Totem Animals that guide us through life with their wisdom. They each have their own special gifts to share with us. This reading will awaken you to your nine Australian Animal Personal Totems and the wisdom they have to share with you.

Cost: $25 US (email only)
Cost: $28 US (snail mail)
Please include your name in the comments box and your email address. If choosing the snail mail option, also include your snail mail address.

Blessed Be,

Copyright 2001 - Yse-Donna
All Rights Reserved
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Disclaimer: This site is provided for entertainment purposes only.